Pozdrav ljepotice, da čujem koliko puta vas je popust natjerao da kupite nešto što vam nije zapravo trebalo? Da, znala sam da nisam jedina! 😃 Tijekom jednog od onih 30% popusta u Bipi sam ja tako ugledala nove Rimmelove tekuće ruževe i silno poželjela ovu nude nijansu. Ako vas zanimaju moji dojmovi, nastavite čitati.
Hello beauties, let me know how many of you got something just because of the sale, even though you actually don't need it? Yeah, I knew I wasn't the only one! 😃 Well, that's the story behind this Rimmel matte liquid lipstick, which got me on the first swatch. If you wanna know if it was worth buying, then please keep reading.
Ovi ruževi dostupni su u našim drogerijama tek u nekolicini nijansi (5-6), a nijansa koju sam ja odabrala za sebe je broj 700 be my baby, divna topla svijetlo-smećkasta nijansa. Redovna cijena im je negdje oko 50 kn, dolaze u količini od 5,5 ml sa zaštitnom folijom oko poklopca, tako da možete biti sigurni da ga nitko prije vas nije otvarao. Proizvedeni su u Engleskoj, a za rok trajanja navode 24 mjeseca.
These lipsticks come in 15 shades, from which are 5 or 6 available in Croatia. The one I tried is in number 700 be my baby, which is a beautiful warm light brown shade. Their regular price is 6 GBP (in Boots & Asos) / around 5 USD (in Walmart) and they come in a bottle with 0.18 fl oz. of product. They are made in England and you should use them up within 24 months.
Pakiranje im je plastično, a spužvasti aplikator poprilično dugačak i koso rezan s jedne strane, što omogućuje lakše nanošenje. Sadrži preeedivni slatkasti miris koji me podsjeća na neke bombone ili žvake iz djetinjstva. 😍 Sam ruž je dosta tekuć, ali ima onu mousse teksturu. Ipak, treba mu minuta-dvije i suši se u potpunosti u mat finiš i ne preslikava se. Upravo zbog svoje teksture je puno lakši na usnama nego većina tekućih mat ruževa.
It comes in a plastic packaging with a sponge tip applicator which is a bit longer and it's slanted to one side, which makes application easier. Also, it has a beautiful sweet scent that reminds me on some candies from my childhood. 😍 It has that mousse texture, but it dries down within a minute or two and leaves a completely smudge proof matte finish. Because of its texture, it's very lightweight on the lips in comparison to the other matte liquid lipsticks.
It comes in a plastic packaging with a sponge tip applicator which is a bit longer and it's slanted to one side, which makes application easier. Also, it has a beautiful sweet scent that reminds me on some candies from my childhood. 😍 It has that mousse texture, but it dries down within a minute or two and leaves a completely smudge proof matte finish. Because of its texture, it's very lightweight on the lips in comparison to the other matte liquid lipsticks.
S ovom nijansom je prilikom nanošenja potrebno precizno raditi i prijeći nekoliko puta po usnama, jer samo s jednim nanosom ruž zna ponekad biti neravnomjeran. Dakle, nije potrebno stavljati više slojeva, iako sam ga i tako nekoliko puta nosila bez problema. Odlično funkcionira i s olovkama za usne, a s Essenceovom In the nude olovkom se super poklapa. Izdržat će piće i poneko ne masno jelo, ali će lagano nestajati s unutrašnjosti usnica.
While applying this shade in particular, you'll have to work precisely and swipe it a few times across your lips, because it tends to be slightly patchy when it's applied in just one swipe. Although, you don't have to apply more layers, you can and it will still be just as good. Also, it works amazingly with the lip liners, especially with the Essence In the nude lip liner which is a perfect match for this shade. It will survive any drink and some non oily meal, but it will slightly fade in the center of your lips.
Sve u svemu, sviđa mi se što su u Rimmelu uspjeli iskombinirati dvije dosad kontradiktorne stvari oko tekućih ruževa - lakoću na usnama i postojanost. Po meni, ovo je odličan ruž za svakodnevne prilike. Ako tražite neki koji će izdržati cijelu noć ili večeru bez popravljanja, onda ovo definitivno nisu ruževi za vas (točnije, nijansa koju sam ja probala). Jeste vi isprobali ove ruževe? Pišite mi u komentarima! 🙂
PS. Ako vas zanima kako izgleda na mojim usnama, postavit ću fotku na svoj Instagram profil uskoro (@shine.of.beauty). Nisam imala vremena staviti fotku direktno u ovaj post.
Anyway, I'm happy that Rimmel managed to combine the lightweight formula with the longevity of liquid lipsticks. If you ask me, these are the perfect choice for everyday occasions. Although, if you're looking for a lipstick that will last you a whole night or dinner without re-applying, then these are not for you (at least the one I tried). Did you try these lipsticks, what do you think about them? Write me down in the comments! 🙂
PS. If you want to know how it looks on my lips, I'll post the picture on my Instagram (@shine.of.beauty) soon. I haven't had the time to put it in directly into this post.
With love, Ana ♡
Meni se ne sviđaju.. Probala sam 2 svjetlije nijanse i nekako su izgledale suho na usnama.. Tako da ih preskacem
OdgovoriIzbrišiČitala sam kod nekih da ima razlike u nijansama, ali evo konkretno za ovu, nemam takvu zamjerku. 😊
IzbrišiSavršena!!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSlažem se! 😉