Milani Make It Last setting spray

19. ožu 2018.

Pozdrav ljepotice, nakon mnogih hvalospjeva s američke blogerske scene o Milani Make It Last spreju za setiranje šminke, odlučila sam i sama isprobati ga čisto da vidim u čemu je stvar. Inače moram priznati da ne vjerujem u magično produljivanje trajnosti šminke pomoću samo jednog spreja, tako da oni nisu uvijek sastavni dio moje rutine šminkanja. Ako vas zanima je li ovaj mališan uspio promijeniti moj stav, nastavite čitati dalje. 😉

Hello beauties, after all the hype about Milani Make It Last setting spray in the American beauty blogger community, I've decided to try it out for myself and see what's all that fuss about. I generally don't believe in magical sprays that will automatically make my makeup long lasting, so they aren't always part of my makeup routine. If you want to know if this little guy changed my opinion, please keep reading forward. 😉

Dakle, sprej dolazi u klasičnoj plastičnoj bočici na pumpicu u količini od 60 ml. Ima jako dobar raspršivač koji vam neće ostavljati flekice po licu, ali ga morate nanositi s udaljenosti od 10ak centimetara. Preporučuje se korištenje unutar 12 mjeseci od otvaranja, što vam neće predstavljati problem ako ga svakodnevno koristite. Ja ću svoj primjerak, nakon nešto manje od 3 mjeseca korištenja, uskoro potrošiti. Proizveden je u SAD-u s komponentama iz i izvan SAD-a i moram priznati da cijenim ovakve informacije na proizvodima. Ja sam ga kupila na BeautyJoint stranici po cijeni od 10.50$ / oko 64 HRK (što je za svega 50 centi skuplje nego na službenoj Milani Cosmetics stranici). 

Setting spray comes in usual plastic bottle with a pump which holds 2.03 fl. oz / 60 ml of product. It has a very nice mist and it won't leave dots on your face, but you have to apply it from a distance (8-10 inches away from face). They recommend to use it within 12 months, which won't be hard to do, especially if you use it daily. I will finish my bottle soon and I've been using it for less than 3 months. It's made in USA with US and NON-US components, and I have to admit that I really appreciate information like this on products. I bought mine from the BeautyJoint website for 10.50$ (which is like 50 cents more than on the official Milani Cosmetics page or Ulta).

Prije svega, ima jako ugodan i nešto jači miris koji u roku od nekoliko minuta nestane i ne osjetite ga na licu. Prilikom sušenja na dodir prstima je malo ljepljiv, ali to na licu uopće ne osjetite. Na koži je ugodan i ne zateže, iako je alkohol drugi sastojak po redu, ali uzmite u obzir da je moja koža mješovita. Divno setira svu šminku na licu, posebice praškaste proizvode da se ljepše sjedine s kožom. Highlighter mi s njim dosegne veću vidljivost/jačinu, a samim time bude i duže vidljiv. Što se tiče dugotrajnosti, tu moram priznati da i dalje nisam primijetila značajnu razliku. Ali jučer sam imala prilike popraviti šminku u hodu s malo pudera u prahu, nakon čega sam ponovno nanijela ovaj sprej i šminka mi je izgledala fantastično nakon više od 11 sati na licu. Dakle, ona magičnost o produljivanju šminke s par kapljica tekućine i dalje ne drži vodu, ako vam ostatak šminke nije dobro setiran, izblendan i slično. 

It has a very nice strong scent which fades away after a minute or two and you won't feel it on your face. While it's drying, it's a bit tacky to the touch, but when it's dry, you won't feel that on your face. In fact, it's really comfortable to wear and it doesn't make my skin feel tight, although alcohol is the second ingredient, but bare in mind that I have combination skin. It sets my makeup wonderfully, especially powder products which then sink into the skin beautifully. My highlighter is more visible/stronger after setting the face and also more long-wearing. When it comes to the longevity in general, I haven't noticed any significant change there. But, yesterday I got a chance to fix my makeup during the day with a little bit of setting powder and applied this spray once again on top of that. It has lasted more than 11 hours on my face. So, that myth about magical few drops of liquid that will transform your makeup still isn't the truth, if the rest of your makeup isn't well set, blended etc. 

Sve u svemu, možete zaključiti kako mi se ovaj sprej sviđa i rado ga koristim, a isto tako ću ga rado ponovno naručiti kada budem u prilici. Prije toga planiram isprobati slavni Urban Decay All Nighter sprej za setiranje. Pišite mi u komentarima ako ste isprobali bilo Make It Last ili All Nighter sprej, zanima me vaše mišljenje!

To sum up, you already know that I really liked this setting spray, I love using it and I will repurchase it when I got a chance. Before that, I want to try the famous Urban Decay All Nighter spray. Write me in the comments if you tried either Make It Last or All Nighter setting spray, I want to hear your opinion! 

With love, Ana ♡

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