L'Oreal False Lash Superstar mascara

13. kol 2017.

Pozdrav ljepotice! Hello beauties! 🙂

Mislim da je bilo dosta izbivanja zadnjih mjeseci. Vrijeme je za novu recenziju! 🙂 Prva na popisu, koju zapravo nisam ni imala u planu koristiti je L'Orealova False Lash Superstar maskara s bazom.
I think I've been absent too much recently. It's time for a new review! 🙂 First review I have for you today is the one I haven't quite planned and it's about L'Oreal False Lash Superstar mascara with a primer.

Baza i maskara dolaze u količini od 6,5 ml, a preporučuje se korištenje unutar 6 mjeseci od otvaranja. Cijena maskare je oko 110 kn. Četkica baze je sužena na sredini i nešto šira na krajevima, dok je četkica maskare blago uvijena. Pri tome napominjem da četkice, odnosno dlačice nisu gumene.
Primer and mascara both come in a quantity of 6,5 ml which you should use within 6 months. The price of this mascara is around 10€ (Feelunique). The wand on a primer side is narrow in the middle and wider on the ends, while the wand of mascara is slightly slanted. Also, the brushes on the wand are actual fibers.

Baza je bijele boje i srednje gustoće, jako se lagano i lijepo nanosi, četkica lijepo razdvoji trepavice i da im volumena. U roku od minute se lagano posuši i bijela boja ne bude više toliko intenzivna.
The primer is white-coloured and has a very nice formula (not too liquidy or thickly), it applies very evenly and easy while separating your lashes and giving them some volume. It dries in about a minute or two, and after that the white colour is not so intense anymore.

Maskara je također srednje gustoće i intenzivno crnog pigmenta. Na bazu se nanosi malo teže i gušće, tako da po mom ukusu nije baš nadogradiva, jer mi vrlo lako zna sljepiti trepavice ili jednostavno nanijeti previše proizvoda na njih. Korištena samostalno daje jako duge trepavice s malo manje volumena.
The mascara also has similar formula and it's very rich in pigment. It applies a little harder and thicker onto the primer, so I would say that you should skip those 2nd coat with this one, cause you can easily apply too much product and then it becomes a huge mess. But, when you use mascara without the primer underneath, it will prolong your lashes really nice, and give you just a slightly less volume.

Što se tiče nanošenja i konačnog izgleda, mogu reći da mi se jako sviđa. Koristila sam ju podjednako i s bazom i bez nje. Ali veliki minus je što se nakon 5-6 sati nošenja (a i ranije) strašno preslikava na kapke. Essenceove maskare koje koštaju ¼ cijene ove L'Orealove to ne rade. Tako da joj to ne mogu oprostiti. Pri tome napominjem da ja imam masne kapke i da sam maskaru nosila i kada bi nanosila bazu za sjenila na kapke, ali svaki puta se događala ista stvar.
For application and the final look of eyelashes, I can say I really love this mascara. I also used it both with and without a primer for some time. BUT, the big disadvantage of this mascara is that after a 5-6 hours of wear (maybe even less) it transfers on my eyelids so bad. Now, compare this one to Essence mascaras which are like ¼ of a price, and most of them don't transfer. Sorry L'Oreal, but I can't forgive you that. Also, bare in mind that I have oily eyelids, and I've used this mascara with and without my eyeshadow primer, and it just didn't work.

Čini mi se da vam je već jasno kako ovu maskaru više neću nositi, i ne bi je preporučila. Ako ste već zainteresirani za L'Orealove maskare, Miss Manga mi je bila fantastična, iako je nešto rjeđe formule. Na kraju mogu zaključiti kako mi se iz L'Orealove Superstar linije nažalost ništa nije svidjelo (klik za recenziju eyelinera).
I think you already know that I won't wear this mascara anymore and would not recommend it. If you're interested in L'Oreal mascaras, try Miss Manga, which I really liked, although it formula is more liquidy. Also, I can say that I really didn't like anything from the Superstar range (link for an eyeliner review).
Svakako mi napišite u komentarima koju maskaru bi sljedeću trebala isprobati, i koje proizvode od L'Oreala vi koristite?
Anyway, let me know in the comments down below which mascara should I try next, and what products from L'Oreal are you currently using?

With love, Ana ♡

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