Pozdrav ljepotice, u posljednje vrijeme sam u pravom pohodu na drogerijske maskare, s obzirom na to da još uvijek nisam pronašla jednu koja mi po svim karakteristikama odgovara. Ako pratite Tati Westbrook na YouTubeu, onda znate koliko je ona hvalila ovu Essenceovu Volume Stylist ljubičastu maskaru. Je li ova maskara vrijedna hvale, pročitajte u nastavku ispod.
Hello beauties, I've recently been on a hunt for a good drugstore mascara and I still haven't found the one I completely like. If you follow Tati Westbrook on YouTube, then you know how much she raved about the Essence Volume Stylist purple mascara. If you want to know if it's worth the hype or not, please keep reading.
Hello beauties, I've recently been on a hunt for a good drugstore mascara and I still haven't found the one I completely like. If you follow Tati Westbrook on YouTube, then you know how much she raved about the Essence Volume Stylist purple mascara. If you want to know if it's worth the hype or not, please keep reading.
Dakle, maskara dolazi u bucmastom ljubičastom pakiranju s jako lijepim uzorkom na vrhu. Cijena joj je nekih 26 kn, dolazi u količini od 12 ml i sadrži one male dlačice za dodatan volumen. Preporučuje se koristiti ju unutar 6 mjeseci od otvaranja. Iz Essencea navode kako daje punije i duže trepavice čiji volumen ostaje jednak do čak 18 sati. Osobno vam ne preporučujem nositi niti maskaru niti bilo koji drugi proizvod dekorativne kozmetike toliko na licu.
So, the mascara comes in a cute chubby purple tube with a lovely pattern on the top. It is priced for 5 $ USD with a 12 ml/0.40 fl. oz. of product and it has fibers in it. It's recommended to use it within 6 months. Essence claims that it gives fuller and longer lashes which hold up to 18 hours of wear. And I wouldn't suggest you to wear any makeup product on your face for such a long time.
So, the mascara comes in a cute chubby purple tube with a lovely pattern on the top. It is priced for 5 $ USD with a 12 ml/0.40 fl. oz. of product and it has fibers in it. It's recommended to use it within 6 months. Essence claims that it gives fuller and longer lashes which hold up to 18 hours of wear. And I wouldn't suggest you to wear any makeup product on your face for such a long time.
Sama formula je izrazito crna i nekakve srednje gustoće. Četkica je klasična s nešto većim zadebljanjem u sredini. Moram priznati da mi to često smeta kod nanošenja maskare na donje trepavice, pogotovo ako je na četkici dosta proizvoda, jer onda to sve skupa izgleda poprilično neuredno, slijepljeno, a često se dogodi da ostanu tragovi maskare i na koži ispod trepavica. Inače, maskara se vrlo lako skida i s vlažnim maramicama i odstranjivačima. Nije mi iritirala oči, a primijetila sam jedva tračak ili dva ovih dlačica koje bi znale spasti s trepavica na lice.
The formula itself is very black and it's not too liquidy nor too thick. The brush is a classic one which is slightly wider in the middle. That's the reason for a little harder application on the lower lashes, because it can be very messy, especially if there's a lot of product on the brush and lashes can easily stick to each other. Although, this mascara is very easy to remove with either wet wipes or makeup remover. It hasn't irritated my eyes and I barely noticed any fall out fibers on my face.
Isprva nisam bila jako oduševljena njome, jer je ovo klasična maskara za volumen s kojom se lako može pretjerati, ako previše proizvoda završi na trepavicama. Ali što sam ju više koristila, to sam više uvježbala tehniku i moram priznati da mi se jako sviđa što učini od mojih jadnih trepavica. Jako ih lijepo podigne, produži i zaista održava taj volumen. Inače sve maskare nanosim odjednom u nekoliko pokreta, odnosno slojeva dok ne dobijem željeni izgled. Bila bi ovo moja najdraža maskara da se ne preslikava na moje masne kapke nakon 4-5 sati nošenja, neovisno o bazi za sjenila koju uvijek nanosim od korijena trepavica do obrva. Da postoji ista ovakva vodootporna verzija, bila bi to moja idealna drogerijska maskara, ali potraga se nažalost dalje nastavlja.
In the beginning I wasn't crazy about it, because it is a classical mascara for volume which you can easily over-apply. But, the more I used it, the better I practised the technique and I have to say that I love how my poor lashes look with it. It lifts them up, makes them longer and really holds up pretty well. I usually apply a few coats at once, until I get the preferred look. This would be my perfect mascara, only if it doesn't smudge on my oily eyelids after 4-5 hours of wear, no matter if I use my eyeshadow base or not. If there's a waterproof version of this mascara, I'm sure that it would be my favourite, but in this case my research for a good mascara continues.
In the beginning I wasn't crazy about it, because it is a classical mascara for volume which you can easily over-apply. But, the more I used it, the better I practised the technique and I have to say that I love how my poor lashes look with it. It lifts them up, makes them longer and really holds up pretty well. I usually apply a few coats at once, until I get the preferred look. This would be my perfect mascara, only if it doesn't smudge on my oily eyelids after 4-5 hours of wear, no matter if I use my eyeshadow base or not. If there's a waterproof version of this mascara, I'm sure that it would be my favourite, but in this case my research for a good mascara continues.
Sve u svemu, mislim da je ovo odličan izbor za sve vas koji nemate masne kapke, jer vjerujem da bi onda bez problema izdržala cijeli radni dan. I molim vas, pišite mi u komentarima, koju drogerijsku maskaru bi trebala isprobati?
Anyway, I think that this is a great choice for all of you who don't have oily eyelids, because I think it could hold up the whole day without any problem. Please, write me down in the comments, which drugstore mascara should I try?
Anyway, I think that this is a great choice for all of you who don't have oily eyelids, because I think it could hold up the whole day without any problem. Please, write me down in the comments, which drugstore mascara should I try?
With love, Ana ♡
Nisam probala,al za ovu cijenu vrijedi.Trenutno koristim Bourjois Volume Glamour i cijena joj je mnogo veća a ništa posebno.Moram prelaziti dvaput i ni tada ne daje dobar volumen
OdgovoriIzbrišiAko nemaš masne kapke, svakako se isplati. Od Bourjois kozmetike moram priznati, nisam isprobala baš puno proizvoda, pa ni maskare. Možda onda i je najbolje da ih izbjegavam! 😄
Izbrišithank you! 😊