Korean sheet masks

28. lip 2019.

Pozdrav ljepotice, danas vam donosim prve dojmove o četiri sheet korejske maske koje sam dobila od svojih dragih azijskih prijatelja koje sam upoznala na Erasmusu. Ovim putem im se želim još jednom zahvaliti, a vama predstaviti neke brendove koji kod nas nisu zastupljeni. Ako vas zanima kako su me se dojmile ove maske, nastavite čitati dalje! 😉
Hello beauties, today I want to share with you my first impressions on four Korean sheet masks that I got from my dear Asian friends that I met through Erasmus. I just want to thank them once again and also show you guys some brands that aren't available in our market. If you want to know how did I like these masks, then please keep reading forward! 😉

Laneige White Dew Intensive Eye Mask je okoloočna maska u maramici koja sadrži 10 ml. Maramica dolazi smještena na mrežici, jako je tanka i odlično prianja na kožu, a pokrije i veći dio obraza. Jako je natopljena gelastim serumom i sadrži jedva primjetan ugodni miris. Nakon skidanja, velika količina seruma ostane na licu, pa se može razmazati na cijelo lice. Serum je jako hidratantan i prilikom upijanja, ostavlja ljepljiv osjećaj. Koža je jako bogato nahranjena, i to se može osjetiti, čak i nakon što nanesem ostale preparativne proizvode koje inače koristim. Baš zato bi voljela ponovno koristiti ovu masku! 😊

Laneige White Dew Intensive Eye Mask is an undereye sheet mask that consists of 10 ml of product. The mask comes placed on a mesh fabric, but the tissue itself is very thin and adheres to the skin very nicely, covering a part of your cheeks, as well. It is also very well soaked with a serum which has a barely noticeable pleasant scent. After the mask, there is a lot of serum on the skin, which you can spread all over the face. The serum is very hydrating and while it's penetrating into the skin, it leaves a slight sticky feeling. The skin after this mask is richly hydrated and you can really feel that, even after applying all rest skincare products on top. That is the reason why I would really like to use this mask again! 😊

Nature Republic Deep Sea Water maska obećava hidrataciju kože, sadrži morsku vodu, aloa veru i hijaluronsku kiselinu. Dolazi u količini od 20 ml proizvoda. Sama maramica je nešto veća, ali lijepo prianja na kožu. Jako je natopljena serumom. Serum sadrži blagi, ugodni miris. Nakon korištenja maske koža je mekana i lagano ljepljiva na dodir, a lijepo hidratizirana. 

Nature Republic Deep Sea Water mask promises to hydrate the skin, because it consists of ingredients like sea water, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. It consists of 20 ml of product. The tissue itself is a bit big for my face, but it adheres to the skin nicely and it's very well soaked with serum. The serum has a pleasant scent that isn't intense. After this mask, my skin was very soft and slightly sticky to the touch, but also nicely hydrated. 

Nature Republic Shea Butter maska dolazi u količini od 20 ml, sadrži hijaluronsku kiselinu i shea maslac, a obećava dubinsku hidrataciju suhe kože. Sama maramica je velika za moje lice, ali uspije lijepo prionuti uz kožu. Ne sadrži nikakav poseban miris i jako je natopljena serumom. Rezultat nakon korištenja maske je mekana, nahranjena i hidratizirana koža, blago ljepljiva na dodir. 

Nature Republic Shea Butter mask comes in a quantity of 20 ml, has hyaluronic acid and shea butter and it promises rich hydration for dry skin. The tissue itself is again big for my face, but it adheres well on the skin. It doesn't have any noticeable scent and it's very well soaked with serum. The result after using this mask was very soft and hydrated skin, which was slightly sticky to the touch. 

Leaders Mediu Amino Moisture maska je namijenjena svim tipovima kože, a sadrži 25 ml. Maramica je nešto tanja i jako je natopljena serumom. Nije ni prevelika, niti premala za moje lice, tako da lijepo prianja na kožu. Sadrži nekakav blagi ugodni miris. Sam serum je nešto gušće, bogatije teksture nego tipične sheet maske. Ostavlja lagani ljepljiv osjećaj na licu tijekom upijanja, a lice ostaje izrazito mekano i hidratizirano. Jako mi se sviđaju efekti ove maske, a dodatni plus je što u pakiranju nakon vađenja maramice ostane još neiskorištenog seruma,  kojeg ja koristim poput svakog drugog hidratacijskog seruma u rutini njege kože. 

Leaders Mediu Amino Moisture mask is suitable for all skin types and it consists of 25 ml of product. The tissue is a bit thinner than usual and it's very well soaked with serum. It's not too big nor too small for my face, so it adheres nicely on the skin. It has a barely noticeable pleasant scent. The serum itself has a bit thicker and richer texture than usual sheet masks. After the mask, there is a slight sticky feeling while serum penetrates into the skin and in the end skin becomes soft and hydrated. I really like the effects of this mask, plus after using the mask, there was some left over serum in the bag, which I used in my daily skin care routine as a regular hydrating serum. 

Sve u svemu, niti jedna od spomenutih maski mi nije izazvala nikakve negativne reakcije na koži, ali su me se najviše dojmile Laneige i Leaders Mediu maske. Jeste li vi isprobale neke slične maske za lice? Pišite mi u komentarima koje sheet maske najviše koristite! Znate da ih ja obožavam koristiti i konstantno ih isprobavam! 😊

To sum up, I can say that none of these masks didn't cause any negative reactions on my skin, but I was mostly impressed with the Laneige and Leaders Mediu masks. Did you try some similar sheet masks? Which ones are your favourite? Write me down in the comments! You know I like to use and test them all the time! 😊

With love, Ana ♡

4 komentara

  1. Uuu ova Leaders Mediu Amino Moisture maska mi se čini kao pun pogodak za moj tip kože. Dali ima kakve preporuke koliko često ih koristiti za najbolje rezultate?

    1. Hm, pa koliko ja znam, hidratacijske sheet maske poput ovih ne mogu naštetiti koži ni da ih koristiš svakodnevno, ali ih ja osobno koristim do maksimalno 3 puta tjedno. 😊

  2. Sve zvuče doista odlično, a s obzirom da sam pravi junkie za maske u posljednje vrijeme moram ih staviti na popis za kupnju :D

    1. Ako ih uspiješ pronaći negdje online, obavezno mi javi! Htjela bi se i ja opskrbiti! 😄


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