NUXE Bio Beauté Repairing lip balm with apricot butter

27. tra 2018.

Pozdrav ljepotice, danas je na redu jedan mališan preparativne kozmetike, odnosno Nuxe Bio Beauté balzam za usne s maslacem marelice. Koristim ga već sigurno mjesec dana u kombinaciji s drugim balzamima i nikako da se odlučim što o njemu konkretno mislim. Odlučila sam napisati post kako bi zapravo i sama osvijestila hoću li ga ponovno kupiti ili ne. 

Hello beauties, I've finally decided to write few words about some skin care product, to be precise, the main star today is the Nuxe Bio Beauté Repairing lip balm with apricot butter. I've been using it for over a month now and I still can't say if I like it or not. That's why I decided to write down everything about it and see if I will buy it again or not.

Dakle, ovaj balzam dolazi u kartonskoj kutijici s mnoštvom informacija o samom proizvodu koji se zapravo nalazi unutar bijele tubice. Cijena mu je oko 40 kn, a ja sam ga s popustom kupila za nekih 28 kn u dm-u. U tubici se nalazi 15 ml proizvoda kojeg se preporučuje iskoristiti unutar 6 mjeseci od otvaranja. Balzam je proizveden u Francuskoj, a svi korišteni sastojci su prirodnog podrijetla, od kojih je 45,2% dobiveno BIO-organskim uzgojem. Neću posebno nabrajati sastojke, jer ih možete vidjeti na fotkama niže. 

The lip balm comes in a cardboard box which has all details about the product itself, which is actually situated in a white tube. It costs around 7 GBP and has 15ml of product, which they recommend to use within 6 months. It's made in France and all ingredients are from natural origin, from which 45,2% are from organic farming. I won't be listing ingredients, because you can see them in pictures below.

Pakiranje je dosta praktično i malo, tako da stane u svaku torbicu, a čep se skida odvrtanjem. Balzam je jednostavno (i higijenski prihvatljivo) nanijeti direktno iz tubice, iako ga ja nerijetko volim razmazati prstom. Tekstura balzama je gusta kada ga istisnete, ali prilikom dodira s usnama ili kožom se lagano rastapa. Kad se nanese na usne, potpuno je bezbojan (bez bijelih tragova) i ostavlja vidljivi sjaj, kao što navode na pakiranju. Miris i okus zaista podsjećaju na marelicu, ali nisu toliko intenzivni da ih stalno osjećate. Inače, moje usne nisu ekstremno suhe, ali s obzirom na to da često nosim tekuće ruževe, volim ih svakodnevno dobro hidratizirati.

The packaging itself is really small and practical which makes it easier for carrying it in every bag. You can easily apply the balm from the packaging, but I mostly like to apply it with my fingers. When you squeeze it out of the tube, it seems thick, but when you're applying it to the lips, it kind of melts. Also, it doesn't leave any white residue on your lips or even any colour, there's only shine. The smell (and taste 😃) really do remind me of an apricot, but they're not too intense. Usually my lips aren't extra dry, but since I wear matte liquid lipsticks all the time, I like to hydrate them properly on a daily basis. 

Razlog zašto sam neodlučna oko ovog balzama je činjenica da kada ga nanesem preko dana, imam potrebu svako malo ga popravljati, pogotovo ako usput primjerice pijem nešto. Jasno je da će svaki proizvod ove vrste nestajati s usana, ali s nekima nemam potrebu stalno stavljati novi sloj. S druge strane, kada ga nanesem prije spavanja, ujutro usne budu mekane i lijepo hidratizirane, te na njima još uvijek bude ostatka balzama. Pretpostavljam da mu je za bolji učinak potrebno više vremena da se upije i odradi posao. Upravo zato ću ga i koristiti isključivo kao noćni tretman za usne.

The reason why I was on the fence about this lip balm is the fact that when I apply it during the day, I feel the need to reapply it every now and then, especially if I for example, drink something. It's obvious that none of the lip balms won't last on your lips, but with some of them I don't feel the need for reapplying. On the other hand, when I apply it as a part of my night routine before bed, in the morning I can still feel the balm on my lips and they feel very soft and hydrated. That's why I think this product needs some extra time to do its job. From now on I think I will only use it as a part of my night skin care routine.

Sve u svemu, mislim da ga ubuduće neću ponovno kupovati jer za tu cijenu mogu kupiti 2 pakiranja nekog od klasičnih balzama u drogerijama (Carmex na primjer), koji mi jednako dobro funkcioniraju i tijekom dana, ali i tijekom noći kao nešto intenzivnija hidratacija.  Možda bi za vas s jako suhim ispucalim usnama ovo bio učinkovitiji proizvod. Uglavnom, pišite mi u komentarima, jeste li isprobali Nuxe balzame za usne? Dijelite li moje dojmove ili se razilazimo u mišljenjima?

All in all, I think I won't buy this lip balm again, just because, for that price I can buy 2 balms from the drugstore that will do the same job (Carmex for example), no matter if I apply it during the day or as a part of my night skin care routine. Maybe it would work better for those of you who have very chapped lips. Anyway, tell me in the comments below if you've tried this lip balm and what do you think about it?

With love, Ana ♡

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