Pozdrav ljepotice, danas bi mogle malo zasladiti klasičnu recenziju jednim (doslovno) šećerom iz asortimana Sephore. Riječ je o peelingu za usne s medom koji dolazi u sticku. Ako vas zanima zašto će ovo biti prvi proizvod kojeg ću kupiti pri sljedećem posjetu Sephora prodavaonici, nastavite čitati.
Hello beauties, I thought that today we could sweeten a bit my classical review post with one sweet product from Sephora Collection. It's about Honey lip scrub which comes in a stick form. If you want to know why this would be the first product on the list that I want to buy next time I visit the Sephora store, please keep reading.
Ako pratite blogerice iz Srbije, onda ste mogli već čuti koju pohvalu na račun ovog proizvoda. On dolazi u kartonskom pakiranju od 3,5 grama, a cijena u Srbiji mu je 690 RSD, što ispada oko 43 kune. Iako kartonska pakiranja znaju biti nezgodna kada je riječ o ovakvim proizvodima zbog lakog otvaranja, ovaj vam se definitivno neće sam otvoriti, jer sadrži metalni dio na koji se stavlja kartonski poklopac. Inače je proizveden u Francuskoj, rok trajanja mu je 36 mjeseci, a dolazi s naljepnicom preko pakiranja.
If you follow bloggers from Serbia, then you probably heard some good opinions about this product. It comes in a cardboard packaging with 3,5 grams /0.123 oz of product and it costs only 6$. Although the cardboard packaging isn't always the greatest when it comes to products like these, but with this one you can be sure that it won't open alone in your bag, because it has the metal part on top of which you have to put the cardboard cap. Anyway, it's made in France and you can use it for 36 months before it expires. Also, there's a sticker on the packaging that keeps it safe and brand new while purchasing.
If you follow bloggers from Serbia, then you probably heard some good opinions about this product. It comes in a cardboard packaging with 3,5 grams /0.123 oz of product and it costs only 6$. Although the cardboard packaging isn't always the greatest when it comes to products like these, but with this one you can be sure that it won't open alone in your bag, because it has the metal part on top of which you have to put the cardboard cap. Anyway, it's made in France and you can use it for 36 months before it expires. Also, there's a sticker on the packaging that keeps it safe and brand new while purchasing.
Ima divan slatkast miris meda i šećera, od kojih je praktički i napravljen. Kada ga tek otvorite, potrebno je potrošiti dio proizvoda na vrhu u kojem nema malih čestica šećera koje vrše peeling. Funkcionira tako što nekoliko puta njime prođete po usnama, na taj način dio balzama ostaje na vašim usnama, dok ujedno radite i blagi peeling. Ako inače koristite jače peelinge ili imate jako ispucale usne, onda bi vam ovaj mogao biti nedostatan. Ja ne spadam niti u jednu od tih kategorija, tako da ovaj proizvod koristim povremeno kada primijetim da su mi usne isušene.
It has a sweet scent of honey and sugar, from which it's actually made. When you start using it, you'll have to apply it a few times before you can feel those little peeling particles, which is basically sugar. It works pretty easily, you have to swipe it up a few times on the lips, and they will have a coat of balm on them, while you're doing the peeling. If you usually use a more intense scrub or you have very dry and chapped lips, I don't think this one will be for you. I don't belong in either of those two categories, so I use this product occasionally when I feel that my lips are slightly dry.
Često ga nanesem kako sam gore već navela i onda dodatno protrljam ostatak čestica koje stoje na usnama prstom. Na taj način intenzivnije prođem po usnama i samim time brže otopim zrnca šećera, koja ionako ne osjetite nakon koje minute ako ih ostavite na usnama. Primijetila sam više puta da mi uspješno odstrani višak kožice koja se počela guliti na usnama. Ostavlja usne automatski hidratiziranima zbog balzama, a nakon što se on upije, imate lijepe i mekane usne.
I usually apply it as I just mentioned and then rub the leftover sugar once again onto my lips. In that way, I work the product more intensely into the lips and the sugar melts quicker. If you leave those little sugar particles along with the balm on your lips, it will also melt off alone in a few minutes. Also, I noticed that it does a great job removing the parts of the skin that started to peel. It leaves your lips hydrated, because of the balm, and after it sinks in, your lips are beautiful and soft.
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Sastojci / Ingredients |
Iskreno, nisam imala nikakva očekivanja od ovog proizvoda, ali sam ostala iznenađena koliko mi zapravo godi koristiti ga, posebno kada uzastopno nosim tekuće ruževe na usnama. Brz je za korištenje, jednostavan i pristupačan. Dovoljno razloga da ga ponovno kupim. Jeste li ga vi isprobali?
Honestly, I didn't expect much from this product, but I got to say that I was surprised how much I like using it, especially when I've been constantly using liquid lipsticks. It is quick and easy to use, and affordable. That's enough for a repurchase. Did you try this one?
With love, Ana ♡
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