Pozdrav ljepotice, danas vam konačno tipkam svoje dojmove o dugo željenom proizvodu - Becca highlighteru u kamenu u nijansi Moonstone u mini varijanti. Otkad su ih počeli prodavati mjerkala sam ih na Cult Beauty stranici, a kad su imali besplatnu poštarinu uz kupovinu bilo kojeg Becca proizvoda, odlučila sam da je vrijeme za kupovinu! 😃 Koje dojmove sam stekla tijekom zadnjih 3 tjedna korištenja, saznajte dalje u postu.
Hello beauties, I'm finally typing my review of the product I wanted for a such a long time - Becca Pressed Highlighter in the shade Moonstone in mini size. Since they launched it on Cult Beauty, I've been eyeing it, and when they had free shipping on all Becca products, I decided that I should wait no more! 😃 If you wonder how I like it and what I think about it, please keep reading.
Dakle, highlighter dolazi u šampanjac-zlatnoj kartonskoj kutijici na kojoj se nalaze sve informacije o samom proizvodu. Sadrži svega 2,4 grama proizvoda kojeg preporučuju koristiti u roku 2 godine, što vam ne bi trebalo predstavljati problem s obzirom na samu gramažu. Kada sam ga dobila, moram priznati da sam se ipak iznenadila koliko je zapravo malen, doslovno je nešto veći od kovanice od 5 kn. Cijena na Cult Beauty stranici mu je 15 funti, odnosno nekih 128 kn, a proizveden je u SAD-u.
The highlighter comes in a champagne-gold cardboard box which contains all information about the product itself. It has only 2,4 g / 0,085 Oz of product, which they recommend to use within 2 years, so having in mind that small quantity, you probably will be able to use it up in time. When I got the highlighter, I must say I was a little bit surprised how small it actually is. I bought it from the Cult Beauty website for 15 pounds, which is around 21 $. It's made in the USA.
Sam highlighter dolazi u prekrasnom pakiranju koje je identično kao kod njihovih full size highlightera. Jako je kompaktno i čvrsto izrađeno, tako da kad ga držite u ruci stvarno osjetite onu razliku u cijeni naspram drogerijskih proizvoda. Sadrži i malo ogledalo unutar pakiranja. Bez problema ga možete nositi sa sobom ili u kozmetičkoj torbici bez straha da će se otvoriti (prilikom zatvaranja čuje se onaj "klik"). Putovala sam s njim, nije mi se rasuo, ali nisam sigurna bi li preživio pad, pogotovo zato što je malen.
Highlighter itself comes in a beautiful packaging which is the same as on their full size highlighters. It's compact and sturdy, you can actually feel, holding it, the price difference between the drugstore ones. There's also a small mirror inside the packaging. You can easily carry it with you or in your makeup bag and be sure that it won't open by itself (you can actually hear that "click" sound while closing). I have travelled with it and it didn't break, but I'm not sure if it can survive the fall down, especially considering its size.
Nijansa Moonstone je veoma svijetla šampanjac zlatna s ekstra sitnim shimmerom bez traga glittera. Formula je zaista divno mljevena i mekana na dodir. Prilikom korištenja sa sintetičkim lepezastim kistićem nisam primijetila nikakvo trušenje što znači da nećete dodatno trošiti proizvod. Nijansa je apsolutni pogodak za moj ten, nije presvijetla, odnosno ne vuče na bijelo, a s druge strane nije ni pretamna da pod određenim svjetlom i kutom ostavlja neprirodni trag na licu.
Moonstone is a very pale champagne gold shade with very tiny shimmer, but without any glitter. The formula is really nice and soft to the touch. I use it with a synthetic fan brush and haven't noticed any fall out, which means you won't lose any additional amount of the product. The shade itself is a perfect match for my skin tone. It's not too light where it has that white undertone, nor it's too dark so you can see that stripe of highlight under different light and angle.
Moonstone is a very pale champagne gold shade with very tiny shimmer, but without any glitter. The formula is really nice and soft to the touch. I use it with a synthetic fan brush and haven't noticed any fall out, which means you won't lose any additional amount of the product. The shade itself is a perfect match for my skin tone. It's not too light where it has that white undertone, nor it's too dark so you can see that stripe of highlight under different light and angle.
Ono što mi je najdraže kod ovog highlightera je finiš koji ostavlja na licu. Dovoljno je nekoliko puta prijeći kistom po licu kako bi ga stopili s ostatkom šminke, a presijavat će se kao glazed donuts na licu (znate one šećerne glazure na krafnama? e pa tako se ja s ovim highlighterom osjećam! 😂). Rekla bi čak da je njegova formula definicija onog prirodnog (gotovo mokrog) sjaja kojeg svi toliko želimo na obrazima. Ne znam kako bi vam to bolje na hrvatskom objasnila, ali garantiram vam da u drogerijskom rangu nisam iskusila ništa slično ovom mališanu. Također, moram spomenuti kako mi se čini da ne naglašava pore i teksturu kože u tolikoj mjeri kao neki drugi highlighteri.
The thing I love the most about this highlighter is the finish. Swiping few times with the brush will melt the highlighter into the skin with the rest of your makeup, but it will shine on your face like a glazed donut (that's how I feel when I wear it! 😂). I would even say that its formula is the definition of that beautiful (almost wet) shine from within that everyone want on their cheekbones. I don't know how can I better explain it to you, but I can guarantee you that I haven't found any similar product in the drugstore so far. Also, I think it doesn't emphasize pores and texture as much as some other highlighters do.
The thing I love the most about this highlighter is the finish. Swiping few times with the brush will melt the highlighter into the skin with the rest of your makeup, but it will shine on your face like a glazed donut (that's how I feel when I wear it! 😂). I would even say that its formula is the definition of that beautiful (almost wet) shine from within that everyone want on their cheekbones. I don't know how can I better explain it to you, but I can guarantee you that I haven't found any similar product in the drugstore so far. Also, I think it doesn't emphasize pores and texture as much as some other highlighters do.
Što se tiče trajnosti, na mom licu izdrži dok god ne skinem šminku, doduše u nešto manjem intenzitetu. Jedno podne sam bila poprilično umorna, pa sam na nekoliko sati zaspala sa šminkom na licu i kad sam se probudila, i dalje je bio postojan. Intenzitet na licu možete vrlo lako nadograđivati, iako je on sam po sebi fantastično pigmentiran. Mislim da je idealan za sve prilike, posebice za mladenke, čak i ako ne volite puno sjaja na licu.
When it comes to the longevity, I must say that it lasts on my face until I remove my makeup, although it fades a bit. One time I fell asleep in the afternoon for a couple of hours with my makeup on and when I woke up, the highlighter was still on my face. Also, you can easily adjust the intensity or build it up if you want, but the highlighter is already very pigmented itself. I think it's perfect for every occasion, especially for the brides, even if you don't like a lot of shine/highlight on your face.
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Slikano blicem / Photographed with flash |
Sve u svemu, ja sam potpuno zaljubljena u ovaj highlighter, toliko da ga od prvog nanošenja koristim svaki put kad se šminkam. Full size pakiranje ću svakako kupiti čim dotaknem dno ovom mališanu, jer apsolutno vrijede svakog novčića i hvale! 👐 Pišite mi u komentarima, jeste li isprobali Becca highlightere?
I am totally in love with this highlighter and since I tried it, I'm using it every single time I wear makeup. When I hit the pan on this little one, I will definitely buy the full size, because it's worth every penny! 👐 Anyway, make sure to tell me in the comments if you've tried Becca highlighters! Do you love them as much as I do?
With love, Ana ♡
Jako dobar post. Jako mi se kod tebe sviđa sto sve pokazes na licu.Recimo kupis puder i ne swatchas ga samo na ruci vec ga pokazes i na licu. Tako isto i highlighter i rumenilo i lak za nokte na noktima ... Bravo..To se traži ... Najgore mi je kad blogerica recenzira puder na ruci.... svaka ti cast i samo tako nastavi...:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti! ♡